
Children seem to naturally feel a sense of joy and calm in nature.  The minerals in soil actually help increase our serotonin levels…naturally!
Take your shoes off and try putting your bare feet in the dirt while hiking or gardening.  Pay attention and notice the little things in nature all around you…from the colors in the sky to the foliage on your path. Take your child out with you in nature every day. …Breathe…

New life found on my walk today with my daughter

Breathe In…Breathe Out

4-7-8 Breathing

During a life season of grief, I attended a Grief Group where we began each session by doing 4,7,8 breathing in order to calm our minds and relax our bodies. I found this tool helped me to focus and relax and feel less anxious.  I still use this tool DAILY, and wanted to share it with you.  Dr. Andrew Weil created this method and suggests to try using 4-7-8 breathing, whenever anything upsetting happens-before you respond.

Here is a quick video link of Dr. Weil teaching 4-7-8 Breathing, and is well worth a look to train yourself on this method:

Rays of Healing

Releases stress, anxiety and promotes a calm state.   This also is a great tool to use if you wake up at night and want to get back to sleep fast.  Doing 4-7-8 breathing on a daily basis can help internal systems to also create a more calm state.  Give it a try, you will love the feeling!  Breathe in, breathe out and let your spirit fly!